Clemson Women's Roundtable Makes Impact on SJCS Students
Seven SJCS students were among the 650 participants, from middle school students to seasoned career professionals, who gathered in the ballroom of the Greenville Convention Center on November 2 for Clemson University’s third annual Women’s Roundtable.
They were welcomed by Felicia Benton-Johnson, vice president for diversity and inclusive excellence and the first woman of color in an executive leadership role at Clemson.
Sports agent Nicole Lynn, President of Football for Klutch Sports and the event’s keynote speaker, said "excellence is your greatest currency.”
“It doesn’t matter if you’re a woman, your race or age – if you are excellent at what you do – they cannot hold you out," she said.
“I liked how they basically just told us to go for what we want instead of doubting ourselves so much,” SJCS junior Estefania Cividanes said. “Since I have a lot to decide with what I want to major in, I feel like I’m not as scared to just pick something. ...”
“You always hear that you have to advocate for yourself, especially being a girl going into (a healthcare profession). They just say that, but then they don’t give you examples,” said SJCS senior Natalia Cardenas. “But having these speakers and hearing examples of what they’ve done and how they’ve become successful is really impactful.”
Click HERE to read more about Clemson's Women's Roundtable.