Mass & Confessions
Our relationship with Jesus Christ is developed as a free response to His love for us. One concrete and irreplaceable way of encountering Him is through the sacraments of the Catholic Church, which are made available to the students and staff on a frequent basis. The whole school community celebrates Mass in the main Chapel every Wednesday and on special feast days of the Church’s year.
For the Sacrament of Confirmation, Catholic parents enroll their children in their parish sacramental program. Our Theology teachers teach the academic preparation for this Sacrament; however, the liturgical preparation, parent meetings, and student retreats are completed at the family parish in which the student is spiritually nurtured.
All Masses are also open to parents.
Monday: HS Mass: 11:30 AM - Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Tuesday: MS Mass: 10:35 AM - Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Wednesday: All-School Mass: 10:32 AM - JPII Center
Thursday: Rosary: 3:15 PM - Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Friday: Confessions after school: 3:00 PM
Offer a special intention at a Mass